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Advertise with Us

​Current Distribution
1700 + members via e-mail, regular mail, website & in-house pick up.
Rates and Parameters
2024 Ad Pricing.jpg
Set Up and Submission Deadlines

Place an ad in our newsletter distributed 6 times a year.  Ads must be complete and within the measurements above. Ads can be submitted in colour jpeg format but will be printed in black and white for the printed newsletter. A discount may be offered if more than one advertisement is purchased. Submissions can be sent to by the specified deadline.


Submission Deadlines (updated Sept 3, 2024)


​Feb 2024

Submit by Jan 29. Delivery Feb 5.


​​April 2024

Submit by March 25. Delivery by April 1.


June 2024

Submit by May 27. Delivery by June 3.


August 2024

Submit by July 29. Delivery by August 5.


Oct 2024

Submit by Sept 30. Delivery by Oct 7.


Dec 2024

Submit by Nov 25. Delivery by Dec 2.



Payment must be received prior to publication. We accept payment by Cash, Credit/Debit, or Cheques only. Cheques made out to C.L.S.A. and mailed to this address:
Central Lions Seniors Association
11113 – 113 Street 
Edmonton, AB 
T5G 2V1
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